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A Pharma Gig That Goes Virtual

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

One of first virtual meetings I secured after COVID was for a big pharma company. Name not to be shared, but let’s just say it was ironic coincidence that the pharma company I worked with was one now associated with the vaccine outcomes. Anyway, I had to pivot very quickly to digital.

They asked me to partner with them to help launch a major new drug to the European Union.

With 27 countries on board, 300 attendees participating, 10 speakers, 2 Q&A sessions, a physician interview and a breakthrough announcement in the treatment of rare disease; a lot was at stake. Nothing could be left to chance.

Their goal was to keep content moving, to sustain interest and add continuity as well as to keep the delivery of the information authentic. They believed that integrating a solid corporate meeting host with a broadcast background just made sense.

And it worked. Minutes following the conclusion of the program, participants were writing notes to congratulate the producers for quickly transforming a live event into a valuable digital experience.



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